Silent Key Memorial

What is a Silent Key?

Silent Key is a term of respect for a deceased amateur radio operator. The key in the term refers to a telegraph key, the instrument that all early amateur radio operators, as well as many contemporary amateur radio operators, have used to send Morse code.

Otis Harris, KG6TDR

On 3 September 2018 Otis Harris, KG6TDR became a Silent Key (SK). Otis was very instrumental in the start-up operations of the Glenn Amateur Radio Society. He provided guidance, direction , and principled discourse with the founding board members. Otis will, and already is, missed on the airwaves.

For those that want to leave a memorial for Otis Harris, KG6TDR, please go to this link. Otis’s family has set-up this site for all to share and leave a tribute to Otis.

Otis, KG6TDR with daughter Deborah

John Post, AG7J

It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I report to you the passing of John Post, AG7J. John became a Silent key on the 15th of January. I shall remember John for his steadfast love of Amateur Radio and his gentle nature. John was well loved and shall be remembered by many for his support and encouragements. John loved Amateur Radio and loved to teach radio theory classes. He had a special love for mathematics! Our sincere condolences and prayers go toward Dorothy and John’s family in their time of loss and sorrow.

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John Post and Joel Wilson, Field Day 2012 Jensen Park, Willows, CA

Faustino (Stino) Bassetti, KJ6NEX

It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I report to you the passing of Faustino (Stino) Bassetti, KJ7NEX. Stino became a Silent key on the 8th of October 2020.

Stino with the Glenn County SAR Snow Cat in the back ground, August 2020

Melody Drosos, KI6TLR

It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I report to you the passing of Melody, KI6TLR. Melody became a Silent key on the 14th of November 2020.

[picture not available]

Janey Keim, N6NEB

It is with great sadness and heaviness of heart that I report to you the passing of Janey Keim, N6NEB. Janey became a Silent key on the DOD not known, 2021.

Janey , Field Day 2012 Jensen Park, Willows, CA