Local Area Nets

Sacramento Valley Traffic Net
146.850 MHz (PL 110.9), Nightly @ 2100 PT

Butte County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) Net
Mondays @ 2000 PT on 145.290 MHz- (PL 100.9)

GARS Club Net
Mondays @ 2000 PT on the N6YCK repeater at 147.105+ .600 CTCSS 100 Hz (ASL Node: 566241)

Golden Empire Amateur Radio Society (GEARS) Club Net

Tuesdays @ 1930 PT on 146.850- (PL 110.9) 

Paradise Amateur Radio Society (PARS) Club Net

Tuesdays @ 1900 PT on 145.290- (PL 110.9)

Yuba-Sutter ARES
Thursdays @ 1900 PT on 146.085+ (PL 127.3)

Yuba-Sutter Amateur Radio Club
Mondays @ 1900 PT on 146.085+ (PL 127.3)

Sac Valley ARRL  Section Net
2nd Wednesday of the month @ 1900 PT on 146.085+(PL 127.3)

North Valley Simplex Net

Thursdays @ 19:30 on 146.520 MHz (National 2-meter Simplex Calling Frequency)

HF Nets

Golden Bear Traffic Net:

3975 KHz, Nightly @ 1900 PT

Willie Net:

1930 KHz, Mondays @ 2000 PT

Western Public Service System:

3952 KHz, Winter: 1700-1930; Summer: 1800-2030 PT

Night Train:

3900 KHz, Nightly @ 2100 PT

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